
I am happy to announce that our web site is finally up and running! I’m not extremely tech savvy like my dad but I do like the ease of Squarespace web site. I fixed the kinks of our appointment button and now you are able to book times for our petting zoo!

I am talking with a few other local farms to offer some of their products in our Farm Store. I really want a variety of products to offer you. The online store will offer products I make for my online store as well as my physical store. With the roads being posted we still are not sure when we will be able to have concrete poured and the farm building set in place. I am waiting for a reply from Versant our electric company to see about getting electricity set up for the building.

I will be making goat milk soap and cancles this coming week to offer for sale.

I have started some seeds for our garden. We will have an herb garden, veggie garden and a pumpkin patch to PYO pumpkins this fall. Once the garden is in full swing we will offer canned goods, fresh veggies, jellies and jams.

I need to go to tractor supply to replace my cute cow windmill that looks like it’s grazing as the turnine part broke in the heavy windstorm we had.

Don’t forget to check out the farm on social media as I am on almost all platforms!! Have a great day.


Seed Starting


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